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1:53 p.m. - 2007-03-08
kungfu cat clinging to my pants
There simply is nothing to which we can attach ourselves,

no matter how hard we try.

In time, things will change

and the conditions that produced the desires will be gone.
Why then cling to them now?

- Ven. Hsing Yun

kungfu master teaches at the serangoon community centre every wednesday and saturday, from 5.30pm to 8.30pm.

exercises include 20 push ups, 20 situps, 20 star jumps, and some bonus tree bark knuckle punching. this is known as the 20 number exercises.

on special occasions, he demonstrates the art of breaking wooden boards and porcelain plates made in china.

he has many students from america, england and hollywood, including madonna and zhang ziyi.

kungfu master has mastered the art of breathing in one nostril and then out the other, without using hands.

he is also very intelligent, written many books on the 20 number exercises and bonsai pruning.

he deserves our respecting and learning.
please remember to take off your shoes and bow when you enter his chamber.

he will offer you tea and you cannot refuse. it is the Way.

kungfu master is not scared of technologic and young people. he likes discussing bathing ape and street fashion with young people.

he doesn't like wearing the fake brands and if he sees you wearing a fake brand, he will ask you to take it off. only later when you leave, can you wear it.

kungfu master has wise words.
it is our honour to respecting and learning from him.


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