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12:05 p.m. - 2007-04-05
you sutra this
you Sutra this!

While meditating on the body,
do not hope or pray to be exempt from sickness.
Without sickness, desires and passions can easily arise.

While acting in society,
do not hope or pray not to have any difficulties.
Without difficulties, arrogance can easily arise.

While meditating on the mind,
do not hope or pray not to encounter hindrances.
Without hindrances, present knowledge will not be challenged or broadened.

While working,
do not hope or pray not to encounter obstacles.
Without obstacles, the vow to help others will not deepen.

While developing a plan,
do not hope or pray to achieve success easily.
With easy success, arrogance can easily arise.

While interacting with others,
do not hope or pray to gain personal profit.
With the hope for personal gain, the spiritual nature of the encounter is diminished.

While speaking with others,
do not hope or pray not to be disagreed with.
Without disagreement, self-righteousness can flourish.

While helping others,
do not hope or pray to be paid.
With the hope of remuneration, the act of helping others will not be pure.

If you see personal profit in an action,
do not participate in it.
Even minimal participation wil stir up desires and passions.

When wrongly accused,
do not attempt to exonerate yourself.
Attempting to defend youself will create needless anger and animosity.

The Buddha spoke of sickness and suffering as effecive medicines. Times of difficulties and accidents are also times of freedom and realization. Obstacles can be a form of liberation. The Buddha reminded us that the army of evil can be the guards of the Dharma. Difficulties are required for success. The person who mistreats one can be one's good friend. One's enemies are as an orchard or garden. The act of doing someone a favor can be as base as the casting away a pair of old shoes. The abandonment of material possessions can be wealth and being wrongly accused can be the source of strength to work for justice.


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