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1:18 p.m. - 2007-04-03
Community Centre Diaries: Heavy Metal Aerobics
Community Centre Diaries
A series of reports around my neighbourhood.

CCD - Heavy Metal Aerobics
The community centre is conducting Heavy Metal Aerobics session every Tuesday, 8pm.

They are a bunch of middle aged slightly overweight paunchy men in leather tight jeans and ragged singlets sweating it out to the classic metal anthems of iron maiden, stratovarius, and many others.

Sometimes, just for fun, they will also do the dirty version of the Great Singapore Workout accompanied by the nu-metal rap song, Blood Brother, by papa roach.

Huffing and puffing, they try to keep the rhythmn, doing their leg raises on smelly sweat stained yoga mats rented one dollar per hour from the Grunge Yoga session ladies. The community centre canteen is also starting to sell YoKurt, a fat-free yoghurt made from goat's milk.

Next report: J-Rock Line Dancing Tots


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