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2:58 p.m. - 2007-07-02
writing down words hoping to change the world
if our words have power to change the world, i hope that

people stop being terrorists, setting off bombs and killing innocent people.

Israel and Palestine reach a level of peace, to forgive and discuss their goals peacefully, without resorting to threat and violence.

The war in iraq (and usa), please stop the shootings, killings and bombings. None of you guys can ever really achieve the kind of "peace" you want by bombing the other into oblivion, because it will never happen. What an endless cycle of killing.

People having enough sense and decency not to cheat, loot, kill, and instead to cooperate honestly and treat each other kindly.

i have the will to rise above lust, loneliness and self-doubt.

my family and friends will be happy and healthy, and if they're not happy or healthy, may they achieve ways to find peace.


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