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12:00 a.m. - 2007-07-26
hap hap pen pen ing ing
happenings of my life

Apologies for not updating for such a long time, some of you might have heard rumours that i went to cambodia to do some volunteering work, or that i've gone to mediacorp to get my daily lunches, or even some oddball story that i've been spotted at sentosa in a hot tub with a hot babe, and a guy lounging in his briefs at another corner of the jacuzzi.

well... let it be known, i am still alive. and writing rubbish in low caps, whether it be for money or self-amusement.

anyway, i learnt something today.
That is, never apologise for something you didn't do. Like you forgot to put the toothpaste cap back on after you used it, or you forgot about a friend's birthday.

Really don't apologise for these trivial stuff. i mean, saying "sorry, blah blah i forgot blah blah..." will only make these things be noticable and loom like a big deal. Which and when in the first place, they aren't.

So just go on with life. Put the toothpaste cap back on. Wish your friend a belated birthday with best wishes. And everything is fine.

Now, the tricky part, the one most people who only read the above and skip what i'm about to write, is in truly apologising for the BIG things.

Now, that's when saying sorry i'll make amends, i'll try to do better.. will work. It means something. It means you're serious. It means hell, yeah, rub out my first sentence.

ok, what i've done so far:

1. writing broshure for the brooming property mraket.

2. out with deer fubu for a nice dinner.

3. been in a hot tub at a drunken party with 2 hotblooded people: one, a sensual foxy male. Another, a sensual roxy female. All hell breaks lose.

4. watched asian boys vol. 3 with the people from pt 3. After watching, realised that i didn't know what the ending meant, is everybody happy.

what are my plans for the future:

1. get a holiday.
2. i am trying not to plan too much now. Because i'm a bit apprehensive. so far... my past dreams have been fulfilled partially or fully:

1. get seinfeld dvds. i just got season 8.

2. get a gf. fall in love. tick.

3. get "i am a sex addict." Got it in office today when the dvd auntie came by to sell her wares. Unfortunately, everybody heard me say, "Auntie, I want to buy i am a sex addict."

4. go on holidays.

5. do creative shit. literally fulfilled. because everyday i use the office toilet. to save on domestic toilet paper charges.

i guess i'm should be damm right happy now.

besides, when i was a kid of 12 years old, i won a drawing-on-the-spot art competition at pasir ris resort.

i've already lost the prize of a whole box of magic markers though. All in a rubbish dump somewhere on an offshore island. Their ink scribbled on pieces of flaky white drawing paper or underlined under text in dusty textbooks now in a recycled paper factory crushed into double-ply toilet paper.

i guess you win some, you lose some.
These are the happenings of my life.


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