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5:01 p.m. - 2007-09-07
wdftmls - ihhm
i will struggle before i decide to fill this space with anything. i will look up quotes from people i've read before, thinking that their words have expressed me.

i think writing or drawing a journal is good. helps express whats inside.

but these 3 days (and nights) have been crazy. worked till past 12 and took taxi home.

i remember on wednesday night i got into this cab and the driver uncle sped all the way, zig zagging through lanes of traffic and running at 120km/hr. i thought if i died then, it would really be rather stupid.

but i reached home safely. And bathed in the cold shower (because our water heater was spoiled). Then sleep came and took over.

i've sold my nokia n80 phone to this army major. he says it a gift for a friend. i wonder what kind of person buys a second hand phone as a gift for others. i hope he was just lying to save face.

i cleaned out the box under my office desk, left by the previous occupant, a designer, so that i could stretch out my legs. i've been sitting, with my legs straddled back for this while that i am acustomed to it.

the box contains the following, in a messy order:

pens run out of ink, old printed ad roughs, plastic box, orphaned pen caps, a chinese geometric mirror, some other papers, an old cushion without a cover, a sissors that can't close fully.

i'm waiting for 6 o'clock so that i can leave. i'll have dinner with zf and r. we're not going gym today because zf feels sick, i feel tired and r is coming along. we're meeting at amk so that r and me can go popular bookshop to buy some stuff.

i think i'll get a dictionary for work. but i already have one. One very old one which leaves dust on my fingers everytime i thumb its pages. Its grey cover says "Modern Teaching Dictionary for Malaysia". i think it belongs to my father.

i think i should be more grateful to be alive and relatively well with great friends. i think living my life with more proper thinking and grounded sensibility will make me happy. like how i got myself to quit smoking.

be contented.

ok, all the best. and take care.


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