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10:21 a.m. - 2007-10-18
an exodus from the herd
when a man reaches a certain age, he starts living alone and hunts alone. The stars are his blanket, his confidante, yet they are as distant as his dreams.

when the desert wind blows, he sees the sand dunes shifting ever so lightly, he remembers each ebb and curve of her sun-kissed face.

there is a terrible unspoken sadness in the stars. he cannot remember his friends. He sings to himself by the fire and loses his voice as the wind carries it away in the silence.

Tired and cold, he huddles in the sand and falls asleep.

Awaking at the break of dawn, he sees a dingo sniffing around his bag. Feeding her his breakfast bread, he decides to follow the dingo wherever she goes. He names her Fate.


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