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3:57 p.m. - 2007-09-24
why you should include strangers in your photos
from the 2 kilo book by kesselskramer:

Strangers in My Photo Album
Selecting people who appear in the backgrounds of private photos, an exhibition titled "Strangers in My Photo Album" was created.

The 'strangers' are isolated, cropped and blown up for close inspection while making viewers consider all of the people who intersect accidentally in our lives in photos.

when i saw the photos and read about the exhibition, i was awed. There was a blonde girl in a ski beanie digging her nose, an bespectacled altar boy praying, a little girl standing gingerly on ice, an old man walking with his walking stick, a guy squatting down by his car...

i think this is pretty cool because we usually ignore or try not to get strangers in our own photos. but this exhibition deliberately highlights them and makes them the stars.

we can look closely at them and wonder about what they were doing, where were they going, or thinking at the time as they walk past our photo moments.

it's like capturing a moment of their lives and freezing it forever. Like 0.0001 percent slice of their life/existence in the world.

i guess that's why some photos are cooler when they're not posed or formal.


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