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8:15 a.m. - 2007-11-14
all our negative emotions are basically the fear of letting go.
words from the book, courage:

feel courageous in spirit, then fear will lose its power!

let us not be afraid of loss. loss is an illusion, for nothing ever gets lost in the universe. it only changes form. therefore, we cannot lose anything. it is always with us - just in another form.

let us embrace uncertainties as an essential ingredient of our experience of every day. the more uncertainty, the more joy in our life. in uncertainty there is pure creativity and freedom. The fun, the excitement, the adventure, and mystery in life are always in taking some risks. At any moment in our life we are standing on the threshold of the long-sought-after new beginning.

there are no errors in life. Even the most difficult situation is nothing but a lesson in love.

Instead of spending all our energies on fighting the "bad", we better focus on the truth, which is the perfect balance of all complementary opposites.

the life must be a well-balanced life, not lopsided in any manner, to bring contentment...

nothing occurs by accident and there are no coincidences. Our lives are divinely designed for and by each of us to get exactly what we need to support our own evolutionary process.

A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. - john A. Shedd

all our negative emotions are basically the fear of letting go.

The well-being of ourselves and the well-being of others are, in fact, one and the same.

we eventually have to love everyone and everything because it is all God. Loving takes no energy at all. It is what our soul longs for. It is the opposite that drains us.

what we don't love will imprison us.

everyone functions to the best of their ability at any given moment. No one does less than their own best - ever. Therefore, never expect anything from others that they are unable to give.


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