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11:32 p.m. - 2008-02-04
are you inside, take care
i didn't notice anything today...i've been very insular and buried in my thoughts. After work, i went to amk central and i had dinner alone. i saw an old guy who was sitting alone and because the S11 was crowded with groups, i asked him if the chair at his table was taken. Then i ordered my food and ate. when i was done, i got up quickly and walked away.

i haven't noticed anything much. Too caught up in life and work to see the environment and nuances of life around me. i didn't feel like a zombie. i felt i was in this insular-ness, this inside-ness that might accompany me my whole life. i dunno how else to describe it. maybe i need to read more books to learn how authors express this feeling.

a feeling of being very inside yourself, going in in in...


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