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11:20 a.m. - 2008-02-08
International Association of Turtles
In WWII, a group of American pilots founded this association. The rule to join was: "You must think with a clean mind and you must be willing to stick your neck out for yourself and for other people in need."

for the Clean Mind test, they have to answer these questions correctly:

1. What is it a man can do standing up, a woman sitting down, and a dog on three legs? (Answer: shake hands).

2. What is it that a cow has four of and woman has only two of? (Answer: legs).

3. What is a four letter word ending in 'k' that means the same as intercourse? (Answer: talk).

4. What is it on a man that is round, hard, and sticks so far out of his pajamas that you can hand a hat on it? (Answer: his head).



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