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10:59 p.m. - 2008-02-26
diving bell and the butterfly
a lot of things come to mind, the diving bell and the butterfly.

jean baudo sitting there, lopsided mouth lips upturned, the doctor has a habit of saying things twice like me, sometimes i say the same words thrice or more, please please please, the hardest words to say is farewell, my father, people, a blank.

i hate diving, trapped submerged surrounded by cold, a long way from the bright and sunny surface, in a way we are all trapped in our bodies, fat, slow, thin, sick, only our minds are free. But ironically we usually prejudge others by looking at their bodies.

the butterfly, like chuang tze's dream when he dreamt that he was a butterfly and such a realistic dream that he awoke dazed and unsure, was he dreaming in the butterfly or is the butterfly dreaming in him now.

remember your humanity and you will survive; words from his hostage friend.

lemme teach u a secret to happiness:
hold alt and type on your number pad 1025 and then release alt key.

if u did it right, u'll see this ☺
ok now try alt 1. It's the same. ☺

i'm gonna buy the book tomorrow.

take care


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