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11:12 p.m. - 2008-03-02
no country for old men
every step you take is forever.

i'd just read the book and i didn't know much about the ending, the violence erupted and as suddenly it went away but the significant things that made an impression on me was the notion of cause and effect and the thoughts of the sheriff.

a lot of things didn't make sense just like real life when endings aren't really endings... no neat resolutions...

the only thing that's important i guess would be cherishing the moment and doing right by your family and loved ones. a simple age-old truth.

you change the things you can and the rest is just aggravation.

btw, to end on a practical note � the next time you have instant noodles; after you've drained a quarter of the soup, place a slice of cheese on the noodles and let it melt. After a while, mix everything up and you've got real tasty noodles. A bit salty but still good.


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