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9:32 a.m. - 2008-06-21
writing in lower caps
i just realised something. i tend to write in lowercases, even in my mobile smses. somehow, i find capitalisations intimidating.

if someone WHO TYPES IN CAPS SEEMS TO BE SHOUTING, then what about lowercases?

(A) subservient.
(B) an almost Larry-Davidesque neurotic quality of not being overbearing (or shouting) at others.
(C) mental laziness.

I got to type properly from now on. With capitalisations. Okay. I mean it's for my own sake, to strive towards the Golden Mean and the contemporary norm. Adios~

By the way, here's a very interesting 1970 article from National Geographic, by Diane Fossey.

It's called Making Friends With Mountain Gorillas and it was written during her studies with some gorilla tribes in Africa.

Here's an excerpt:
"Perhaps too quickly I labeled Uncle Bert a cantankerous old goat. One day, as their rest period was breaking up, a small infant approached him and leaned against his back. I was about to predict an unhappy fate for this baby, but Uncle Bert surprised me. He picked up a long-stemmed Helichrysum flower and tickled the baby with it. Soon the infant was scampering about like a puppy, and Uncle Bert was lying on the slope, tickle switch in hand and a most idiotic grin on his face."

Photos accompanying the article. Link.


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