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11:18 p.m. - 2009-02-03
Just messing around with subplots...

A - main story.
B - subplot
C - sub-subplot

A - rag-tag team of security guards survive a tumultuous night, teaming up to overcome robbers at a shopping centre.

B - the female ghost is free from the curse binding her.

C - Johnnie woos the convenience store gal


A - boy wants to get family cow back from aliens.

B - Orphan girl who is ill-treated at aunt's home, is free.

C - boy's father and family is less obsessed with cows.


A - the artist wants to earn respect and admiration by showing the audience his home.

B - the producer who ill treats camera man and crew learns a lesson in humility.

C - the artist's cat finally has a good meal.


exercise from here - abcs of subplots


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