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11:27 p.m. - 2009-02-11
an entry before sabah tmr
Thought i'll squeeze in an entry before going to Sabah tomorrow. Got to wake up at 4.45am, no joke. Haha, dunno why i laugh when i said that.

alright i just finished watching some horror movies recently, from the descent to saw 5 and then saw 1 today.

hmm, wanted to see what the fuss was with Saw and so i watched Saw 5 first. The story was quite intriguing though it was also quite windy with a flashback cum jumping-back-and-forth-through-time narrative. However, i think it was better than Hostel, because the killer had better motivations.

Jig-saw the killer in saw, puts people in death-traps that they have to escape from and thus love their lives more. Whereas Hostel is rich people paying money to torture and kill hapless tourists/backpackers. Too hedonistic and cruel to watch. I saw Hostel 2 with qisheng during our reservist period and it was really horrifying.

Saw 1 is surprisingly not as gory as i thought. Some scenes were cringey but at least they didn't show the gory visuals, opting for cutaways instead.

I think the Saw series are similar to the Final Destination series because they're playing on the idea of different complex & unique traps and "accidents" for the people who end up dead. Playing the same note in different pitches.

For the upcoming writing workshop, we have to prepare an idea for an episode of an existing drama series.

i said to myself oh god when i heard this. Because i remember what happened with Mr. Monk and the Cat. An episode i came up with that fell through.

Now i'm watching the united states of Tara, a 30mins series. Hopefully, i'll be able to use it as the base for the assignment.

alright, be going to Sabah tmr... can see the new streets, food stalls, beaches, etc... Gotta be careful about the sea and river rafting.

good night, i'll be back on Monday 10pm!


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