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10:26 p.m. - 2009-02-20
i'm sorry if this seems like a cop-out from my resolution/commandment to write every week.

well, i've been busy with stuff, zombie-ing out at work constantly surfing the net or re-writing re-purposing stories without plagarising too much and referencing wikipedia, er... then i've got the mediacorp tv writing class which has been helpful though i still need to pluck up more courage to present my idea (if i can cook up a plausible workable one) to the instructors. The other classmates have been really hardworking, from all walks of life, don't judge them by their covers, they can be passionate and knowledgeable about tv shows.

besides these, i was just reading this good article about Slumdog Millionaire by David Bordwell.

Reading it makes me appreciate the film more and understand its storytelling devices and camera style. I do think it will win the Oscars for Best Picture or Best Director or Best Screenplay. It should i think.

What else... i'm still trying to work out a premise for the tv series homework for the course. One of the mediacorp writers who was also in the class had a great premise, it was along the lines of "What if..."

I can't tell you here, i mean to respect the writer's originality.

But really, also reading about the concept of narrative as positing a series of questions to the audience, gaining their interest to watch further. The premise itself is a question: will the hero succeed? The whole series is a question. And every sequence or subplot is also a question.

I read somewhere: It's a question with 3 parts. First, the setup or posing of the question. Second, the question being rolled out. The process of the question, any twists and turns or entanglements. Third, the answer to the question. Closed-ended, open-ended, deferred, postponed, going into over-time?

How do storytellers write a great story a page-turner in every sense?

Mystery, as JJ Abrams (Cloverfield, upcoming Star Trek movie) might say. Mystery.

I hope i haven't lost my sense of wonder or imagination in the routine and drudgery of everyday work.

a typist, editor. not a creator.

shaper? shape-shifter. pass me the stapler. maple.

i'll be in the crapper so pls don knock down my temple.
the stone lions outside are pilots in a rock band.
i gotta end on a 3rd line which is always the chorus if this is a paragraph in a song but don't quote me on that just be satisfied and let this wandering sentence come to its own resting place which is going to come up very soon in three two one chang.


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