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10:56 p.m. - 2009-02-22
the burning sun of sabah
Sabah means "The Land under the Wind." That's what they call it in the past. Now it should be the called "The land under the Magnifying Glass".

I was at the beach in Sabah for about 2 days last week.
And I think I produced enough vitamin D in that 2 days to last me for another six months. Hell.
There's probably so much vitamin D in my body now, some of it might be leaking out somehow... like you know, the daily motions. I wouldn't be surprised if they're finding insane levels of vitamin D in the river-streams now.

So yes i'm all sunburnt to a crisp. Skin flaking off my back and shoulders like wood shavings, all dry and flaky. Soon my home will look like a hamster's cage.

I'll set up this giant wheel and run in it, my tiny hands and feet just clawing away, round and round the wheel turns, and then i can connect it to a generator and power up all my lights and tv set this way. It's the most eco-friendly way to live.
Like a hamster.
Nice and cosy. My electricity bills and vitamin D needs are all taken care of.


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