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6:32 p.m. - 2009-02-25
Coughing Phelgm, buttonfly effect
at work, i covered my mouth with my palm and coughed. When i felt it, i opened up my fingers and saw a piece of sticky, almost-solid, and i must state, so clear u can see through, phelgm hanging between my fingers. I didn't scream or cry in disgust. This is only my phelgm. I got up and cradled the phelgm near my chest and i walked to the toilet outside. A girl from a neighbouring office came out of their door at the same time too and she walked in front of me. We were headed in the same direction.

She reached her destination first. i stepped into the men's room and washed my hands at the tap. And then i peed. And then i washed my hands again.

When i stepped out of the men's room, the girl was just one beat ahead of me. She stepped out of the ladies room, glanced at me as i was coming out and walked briskly along the same corridoor ahead of me. Her slippered feet pitter-pattered audibly on the carpet floor. Is it strange that we both took the same time to use the toilet? It must be the button-fly. Buttoning it up slowed me down and caused our paths to cross. See, this is the button-fly effect. Patterns amid chaos.


As inspired by this guy Tao Lin who writes poetry like he's still writing a livejournal.

Been ages since I last saw a livejournal.

Everybody's busy Facebooking and putting their face on for the world to see. No time to really record their lives down.

Hilarious Hikikomori Letters


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