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10:31 p.m. - 2009-05-18
appreciation and thankful entry
3 things i appreciate in my life:

1. friends who drive. i am thankful they have been generous to drive me out for dinners, lunches, movies and suppers. i prob should thank the people who invented the car and the workers who mined the oil and the environment which produced and held the oil.

2. now i'll have to say my legs. i am thankful that my legs are still functioning and i can walk and run easily anywhere, and i have taken many walks by myself. The ability to walk anywhere as i please is great.

3. i am thankful for the grapes from ntuc. i am thankful for the farmers who have produced it, the workers who transported it here and the ntuc staff who arranged it on the shelves. i am thankful that i am able to afford a box of grapes and that i can buy it conveniently from a shop and i can eat it and reap its nutrition.

these are some of the things i am thankful for.

Yes, not to be ungrateful to friends who don't have cars, i am still thankful that we have taken walks together, boarded trains and buses together.


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