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2:31 p.m. - 2009-05-17
more cultured than yakult and vitagen combined, brain-washing colon-cleansing goodness!
what i did so far this weekend:

1. bought a kid's version drumset, consists of a wet snare, clangy cymbal, tiny bass drum, and a bongo sounding tom. Drumming is either a zen practice or spastic bashing, like a hyperactive 3 year old having epileptic fits.

2. watched Arabian Nights with gerald at Vivocity. Was quite envious of the life of a Luxembourg train conductor: job - check passenger tixs on the train, hobbies - playing french horn in a symphony band, goalkeeping for the local soccer team, other things include a proper apartment, ample food, a girlfriend who's a nurse, an elderly ailing father in a wheelchair, and a wood cabin near the river. Luxembourg looks winterly and has a good amount of temperate flora. Algeria looks like JB, dirty streets, sly city folk and out in the deserts, mudbrick houses, sand dunes, and bathing is non-existent.

3. had dinner with gerald at tanjong pagar railway station, he ordered lasak lemat and i ordered mee hoon goreng. Spicyness to the third degree. i told him the station was haunted. But i didn't have any corroborative evidence other than a documentary made by NTU students.

4. listening to Danger Mouse's Dark Night of the Soul online. David Lynch shot the book of photos while they released the accompanying album-length track as an empty CD-R, to be filled with DIY (download-it-yourself) music because of legal issues with EMI. Available here.

5. best thing in the world right now = This American Life. Fine journalism.


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