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5:15 p.m. - 2009-08-03
today feels like a typical day from JC
This afternoon, the weather conditions and the light from the sky, orangey and bright with just the correct amount of blue skies and clouds, made the house feel like last time.

I haven't been working for about 2 months and counting. I quit my old job and took up an apprenticeship to write for tv. I only have to show up to the office 2 times a week and I had the rest of the week off to stay at home and look at stock quotes and eat lunch my mom cooked and try to bash something out near the deadlines.

Today's afternoon feels just like when i was in sec school or JC after school at home. Around 5 or 6pm, my father would be home from work, there would be a tinkling of keys outside the door, a creaking as the door opens, and my father stepping into the house with his heavy workman boots. He would take them off at the door and put them on the rack and then say hi to me, call my name.

i nearly told my mom just now doesn't it feel like pa's coming home? But luckily i stopped, maybe i shouldn't remind her.

the father is the child of the man. the father is the man of the child.


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