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10:28 a.m. - 2009-08-31
The annual Jisatsu Sakuru (Suicide Circle) event
The annual Suicide Circle event was held in a small auditorium, in a location disclosed only to participants, last night.

There were about 30 attendents in all, mostly young adults.

The event began with the screening of the film Suicide Circle by Sion Sono. After the screening, there was a puzzle game which groups had to solve. The solution was usually weird, scary, funny, or all 3.

I remember last year, one of the solutions involved a person standing straight hands by his sides while another person held his shoulders and walked quickly in a clockwise circle, rotating the centre person, and like a human drill, the centre person slowly drilled into the soil, until he was submerged up to his knees.

I forgot what was last night's puzzle. It seemed like a hazy dream now. But I do remember the prize grab at the end.

The doors to a room somewhere flung open and we rushed in. There was a tall statue and hung on it were umbrellas of different colours. I grabbed one and then put it back to take another multi-coloured one.

I thought the Suicide Circle event was quite interesting and many people will want to participate annually. We should charge tickets for participants.

There was also a ritual, headed by a middle-aged woman who made us drink some sake from tiny cups. She made the event more mysterious and real. (i think we can hire an unknown actor for this.)

For more info about the film Suicide Circle, pls go to


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