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9:27 p.m. - 2009-11-13
1 paragraph a day (Sungei Buloh + JB)
Today Adrian and I tried to complete our trek of Sungei Buloh, where we had failed last time because it was raining and we were trapped, and this time, it rained again and we got lost on the paths while trying to find our way back and we fed like 2 pints of blood to the giant swamp mosquitoes.

Luckily we managed to find our way out by shouting for help and a helicopter fished us out like that scene in Platoon except we were chased by a menagerie of migratory birds and chomping crocodiles.

Kidding there are several maps along the jungle paths and we just shifted the "You are here!" pointer to the exit and voila! we found ourselves at the exit.

We also saw a pair of squirrels jumping around and flipping themselves upside down hanging on thin tree branches, they weren't scared of us and i reached out my hand to fake-pounce wave at it and it scuttled away, leaping from branch to branch.

It rained again when we left Sungei Buloh at 12.45pm and walked along the road for 1.5km to the main bus-stop. Along the way, a pack of 4 dogs, mid-sized and stranger-wary, started barking at us and kept following us about 3 arm's length away.

I held my mineral water bottle above my head to fake a strike, thinking that this would scare them away but instead they got bolder and came barking ferociously nearer and Adrian said, "Don't, don't la, why you do that?" He was calmly walking and didn't flinch even when the dog was so near it can just stretch its jaw out and bite his ass. Learn from the master.

After chasing down a bus, we went to Johor Bahru and watched a movie, "The Box", by Richard Kelly, the same director/writer of Donnie Darko. The Box is about a couple who receives a box with a red button, and they are given a choice, if they press the button, they will receive 1 million dollars but someone in the world, someone they don't know, will die. The premise is quite interesting but, there's always a but, the plot meanders and the story feels like going nowhere after a while.

What do i like about the movie? The visuals look good and the story is set in the 70s, the protagonist guy is not a selfish money-minded person and he and his wife genuinely want to do good, and the unpredictable nature of the plot, which is also sort of a minus because it can be boring if you're watching on video and can just switch off when you're not interested, as opposed to being forced to sit through it to the end in the theatre.

What i don't like about the movie? It leaves quite a number of questions lingering unanswered, the kind of movie that makes you feel it needs a sequel to tie everything up neatly.

At the end of the day, we ate nasi lemak special again at Old Town Cafe and then came back to Singapore (or else I won't be here) and i went to AMK central to get my hair cut by a nice auntie.

That's how my day went today... tomorrow, i shall have to read newspapers as usual, perhaps work and go gym & swimming.

F-cake, by the time you read this, i think your work will be over. Suffering is temporary, glory is forever... Keep up the good fight.

Seen on the wall in the boxing gym in Million Dollar Baby: "Winners are just people who are willing to do the things losers don't."

i meant this for myself too.


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