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5:05 p.m. - 2009-12-08
The Ben & Jerry TV Show: idiotic conversations
Ben & Jerry are a pair of 60 year-old geriatrics. One of them is gay and the other only acts gay. It's hard to tell which is which because the gay one just refuses to come out of the closet.

Meanwhile this is their show with idiotic dialogue.

JERRY wakes up and shuffles to the livingroom in his multi-coloured, peacock pyjamas.

BEN: Jerry!


BEN: Hey you�re finally up!

JERRY: Yea, why are you shouting? Where did you go?

BEN: I went downstairs for a walk.

JERRY: I love retirement!

BEN: You do.

JERRY: Yeah, love it love it i�m lovin it!

BEN: Do your dance!

Jerry shuffles and executes a perfect moonwalk.

JERRY: Owwwwwwhooo!


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