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8:38 p.m. - 2010-12-13
GOOD - BAD - GOOD sandwich
I did a good and bad thing today.

Good - When i was going to leave office for the day, editor/colleague D was also going out. I asked him if he's going to get dinner and i said i'll join him. This is just something that in the past, i wouldn't do... go out with colleagues outside of work.

But i think it's not good to put up this barrier, only two more days left in the office, it's fate that we met, so since i didn't have anything planned and i was going to get dinner anyway, it's good that i joined him.

In the end, i had dinner with two editors, D and B. We had korean food and chatted about work as usual. It's funny. Even the new intern has noticed that whenever we get together, the topic of conversation is about work and leaving our company.

Everyone's leaving.

Bad - While we were having dinner, one of the editors, B, asked if i'm happy that i only have 2 more days to go.

He would have been happy if he were leaving as soon as me.

But the bad thing that i did, i looked at the glass half-empty again and said that it's not good because i'll be jobless again and all doom and gloom.

Way to bring up the mood during meals. God, i should start slapping myself everytime an unnecessary negative thought is about to come out of my mouth.

Okay i must stop doing that. Breathe deep and exhale. Take it as it comes.

This is not a race. This is not a race with your friends. I heard this from a podcast just now. Your friends are not going to say, "Yes i beat him/her!" everytime they get a raise.

This is not a race.

Last Friday as i was walking to join the army friends for the karaoke gathering, i thought to myself, i am going to stop worrying about earning more money, to become more eligible to get married and buy a flat.

i shall stay in the family home if it comes to that. I shall work steadily and not be discontented or worried. One day when i am without family ties, i shall go to US and live and die happily there, like a nomad or something.

i don't want to die in Singapore. I mean, die miserably in Singapore.

Okay, one last GOOD thing for the GOOD-BAD-GOOD sequence to end this -

Just now at the Korean cafe which was served by true Koreans, i looked at the in-store copy and wondered how I would advertise that this cafe serves Korean food cooked by real Koreans.

Actually, their hot-plate meals are very similar to the Korean food we see at food courts everywhere. (Maybe this is a Singaporean blessing, to be able to enjoy such diverse multi-cultural food easily.)

Anyway, back to the problem at hand - how do you let people know that this is an "authentic" Korean cafe?

I wondered briefly if the copy should read, "Authentic Korean Food". It seems quite forced and tacky. Like shouting out to people, "Hey! We have REAL Korean food! Everyone else is just faking it."

Then i saw the name of the cafe - Daebak (something something, sorry i forgot).

That's simply it. Daebak Restaurant or something. One ring of the name and you know, yeah they are Korean.

Suddenly i have a wild thought: We should start a Pyongyang Cafe. Everything in it is to praise the Great Leader. All the customers must swear to name their first son Jong-Il before they can eat the specialty kimchi porridge.

A restaurant where South Koreans can have a taste of the North.

I imagine the restaurant will become so popular that Singapore becomes the place where the two Koreas reconcile and start their reunification process.

I should start writing to our MFA about this great idea.

okay... take care and be free!

*rises into the air and flies off like captain planet*


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