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9:16 p.m. - 2010-12-13
Prepare yourself... to meet the person you'll be spending the most time with in this life.
yes i should start preparing myself for when i get to the US.

Let me think of what kind of person i want to be, what skills should i know or start improving?

play the guitar?
learn how to cook?
carve something out of a twig with a penknife? (i used to skin bark off broken twigs as a child.)
well-read? (science, nature, culture, people, small-talk)
love for people, babies, young and old?
write properly to express my feelings and thoughts eloquently and clearly?

Most importantly, i will learn to be happy in the present. So that when i get there, i won't lapse into the "grass is greener" kind of negative thinking.

There are people who prepare themselves for Heaven after they die.
Similar to this preparation, i want to prepare myself for my heaven, but before i die.

I must start preparing... at the end of this journey called Life, i will be meeting the person whom I will have spent the most time with in this life.

And I hope that he will not be an asshole or self-loathing person.


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