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10:36 p.m. - 2012-04-08
"No no, one shelf up."
No no, one shelf up. The toys for the orphans are on the top shelf where no one can reach. Every winter, the kids play with snow fallen from the sky. Free. In clumps. But they are happy. The kids they are happy.

No no, one shelf up. The cooking oil that you need to cook a feast for one thousand hungry soldiers back from the war is there. Hurry, the kitchen is on fire, stoves ablazing, it's like a war in here to serve up food for those who have fought the good fight outside, sitting on their chairs, hands rested on the table, staring at the light glinting off the sharp forks and knives. They are thinking of how when you stab someone with a spoon, how much strength you need. They haven't forgotten what it was like to kill but somehow they have forgotten why and what for. Oh, for food.

No no, one shelf up. Wifey said the extra plates we have are one shelf up. Kept clean in the shelves. Help her reach to take them down so she can serve food for the guests. A party. We play house. For our guests. When they leave, we feel sort of empty. But we didn't keep the plates. We wash them and we leave them out with our daily plates. Sort of ready for the next time the guests come. So we can have a party again. Meanwhile, we enjoy each other's company like refugees in a camp waiting for salvation. I think that's love in adversity. Or it's just the hope talking.

No no, one shelf up. There, behind the box of amnesiac pills. Just what u need. First u lose your memory and then u gain your dose of happiness. Take it in hourly intervals. Merry merry Christmas. Merry merry merrily.


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