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9:13 p.m. - 2012-04-10
Don't whether i wrote this before but it's about the song "Mouse Love Corn"
There are some songs that are fun but they burn themselves into your memory in unexpected ways.

Like 老鼠爱大米,("mouse love corn" lol), i remember it was a sunny morning, the last day of my father's funeral.

Somehow, how did we carry it, his coffin was carried and placed in the hearse. Then the long procession behind the hearse, we walked out of the carpark to the main road. It began to drizzle. My mom prayed it won't rain before we walked our father out.

There, at the mouth of the carpark, me, my mother, maybe my brother too, we got into a small sedan car, and then followed behind the hearse to the crematorium at Bright Hill Temple. Which is a poor translation for 光明。Which i can poorly translate as... hmm, Light... how the quality of light drives away darkness, evil, ignorance and perhaps pain.

Anyway, yes we were in the car traveling towards the temple. As much as I am an atheist, i still wish that there is some kind of afterlife for family members and loved ones to be reunited.

So back to songs, we were in the car, the rain began to fall heavier, raining like superfat cats and dogs released from the Big SPCA in the sky. We were trapped in a jam at the traffic junction, the radio was playing, 93.3FM i think, the Chinese song 老鼠爱大米("mouse love corn") came on rotation, it was quite a big hit in 2005.

And the chorus was:
I love you, I love you, Just like mouse love corn.

It was a catchy chorus so you can sing along with it. So I sang along with it in the car. And the heavy rain outside somehow made the eyes wet.

Anyway yeah, it's a song that brings back some memories.

Truthfully, time is the best healer. It can heal and make you forget things. Time is also a badass eraser that makes you forget good things. So i guess you have to make an effort to make good things remembered. Maybe i should write gratitude/thankful stories more... hmm okay, consider that for the next entry.

Good night.


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