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9:57 p.m. - 2012-04-17
i don't want to wait more than 2 hrs already!
Just now when i was showering, i remember an incident that happened when i was 17 in jc.

During that time, we often played IRC in the school library using the 56kbps modem which was shared by 5 computers.

One weekday, during the term breaks, i went to school to play IRC. I talked to this person at this channel called #depressed_fucks, which was an ironic channel for cool people lol.

So anyway she seems like a cool person, with piercings and all. I think i thought goths were cool then. Now i think they are weird and to be avoided, like cosplayers. Nah i kid, i kid.

But anyway, then we exchanged numbers. I called her from our public phone in school. We talked and decided to meet up at orchard road, at the clock towers under Shaw Towers at about 5pm.

Blind date!

Then yes, i went there. And it was a crowded weekday, and there were some people seated around the clock towers smoking. But there was no sign of her.

I waited and waited. There were 2 clock towers there and i thought, oh no, what if she's at the other one. So i kept walking to and fro the two clock towers i think for 5 times.

I think i waited for nearly 2 hours. Hoping and hoping. But she never appeared. We didn't use handphones then so there was no way for us to contact each other and for me to find out why.

I called her home but her brother said she's gone out.

Then after that, i thought about it for a while and decided to board my bus home.

The sun haven't set yet but you can tell dusk was on its way.


as you can tell, this didn't help my self-esteem much.

ah i'm just kidding. but this really happened.


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