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7:39 p.m. - 2012-04-22
life just passes sometimes
Today was a hot and humid day. I woke up in the morning and accompanied A to the clinic because she had a fever and was sweating profusely.

But the clinic was full of sick people, even I was sick too, because of my cough, and the receptionist told us we'd have to wait for 1.5 hours.

So we ate kway chap, walked around the neighborhood, bought water at NTUC and then went back to the clinic again.

Fortunately, it wasn't anything serious, the doctor even said ah just fever for 3 days, not serious la. Which made A wonder whether the doctor was only saying that to calm her down.

Then after that, I went home and bathed and took a nap. Around 6plus, I was woken up by the sound of someone playing with their remote control car downstairs. It was quite loud, the revving of the car's engine as it sped over the small patch of grass.

Hmm, other than this, I think my weekend was quite quiet. I didn't do any work from work though I brought the stuff home, thinking I'd work on them. But in the end, I watched Criminal Minds, Parks n Recreation, Community, South Park, some Chinese movie, and generally lazed about thinking of this coming week's work, changing money to rupiah, and also about how to pack all those shampoo, facial cleanser stuff for the flight to Lake Toba. hmm gotta go buy those bottles first.


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