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9:21 a.m. - 2012-04-26
Great grateful grapes of Galenxia
Ah i've decided to be more grateful instead of looking at the negatives.

Okay new project: To write down 3 things I am grateful for every day. This must go on for at least one month.

I am grateful that
1. i have a chance to learn better storywriting now and if i make mistakes, WL will teach me.
2. I am going to lake toba with a company of good friends, you know who you are.
3. Ray and sec school friends are treating me to Ah Yat Abalone restaurant this Friday, R is picking me up in his car, we're going to eat and sing karaoke happily.
4. Mom makes me milo and a cheese sandwich every morning before i go to work.
5. F for consoling me when i'm down or frustrated with finding those tiny travel containers to put toiletries in.
6. A for good morning greetings.

I hope i don't sound disgustingly cheerful, but ah i have to try. Please bear with me.


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