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9:53 p.m. - 2012-04-23
How do you feel today?
Hmm i don't feel very well today.

Like i've been running in the same spot or trying too hard.

I didn't fall asleep at work today though. I revised a script based on the rough cut by the director. She added a new scene which gives me the cringes. I shudder to tell my friends when that episode comes out. I hope special effects can save it. But i highly doubt so. I know my storytelling is partly to blame too, but please, create some eerie atmosphere with your shots and pace your editing please!

i think i need some rest myself. To stop trying.

I hope things will go smoothly at work.

I hope toba will be nice.

i hope i will be peaceful inside.

okay as i write this i know:

work will not be smooth, but that's okay, it's part of learning and overcoming challenges to become better.

Getting to toba might be hell because of the drive but i must learn to appreciate nature and greenery. Company of friends is a plus.

Once i stop trying, i will be peaceful inside.

And lastly, hmm, i know this sounds financially stupid, but i want a car! Been doing the calculations... hoping for the next pay raise... i guess it's a nice dream.

Which i will pay sorely for! Buhuhu... ha.


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