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11:23 p.m. - 2012-04-27
I must practise my driving more!
Ah today I am thankful for:

1. Yonghui's treat at Ah Yat Seafood at Turf City. All the seafood we had was at 50% off, and we had 3 canadian snow crab cooked in different styles, pork ribs, veggies, chicken, bamboo clam, 1kg of prawns, fried rice and noodles. Raymond knew the manager so we had free choice of dessert too. A very full and fun meal we had, while watching channel 8 drama in the private room.

2. Ricky trusted me with driving and he let me drive him and his wife back from Turf City. I haven't drove for a year and i was quite nervous, remembering to look in the mirrors and brake slowly. I'm very serious while driving, sitting up straight because our lives depend on it!

3. I am also thankful to my colleagues and supervisor (and my job) for letting me take MC today, and go home to rest. Because at least i am responsible for my own time and work results. As long as I keep to my deadlines, i can relax sometimes. Okay charge on after Lake Toba next week!

In other things, I think i must practise my driving more. I think i shall rent a car once every two months to drive during the weekends and practise parking, gain road experience, etc.


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