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11:15 p.m. - 2012-05-02
thank you happy toba dogs
Things related or about the Lake Toba trip:

1. I am thankful for my friends, who suggested the Lake Toba trip back in January, and to Y for organising and helping us book the air tickets and the best guesthouse Horas Family Home on Tuk Tuk island within Lake Toba.

2. I am thankful to A, R, F, Y, LY for the company, the games we played, the movie Chronicle, the jumping into the lake, the food, and the mind-blowing fish feast by Mr Berend Baker of HFH.

3. I am thankful to the dogs, Matsy (the furry one), Rexy (the silent one that followed us and sent us off at the pier) and Alby (the white mixed dalmatian that was fierce and barked at you whenever he didn't see you for 30 minutes and forgot who you are).

4. I am thankful for the nice lake, nice house, nice cool climate, nice bunnies, nice veggies, and nice people we met during the trip. The people at Toba Cottages have also been very nice and hospitable.

5. I think it's very inspiring that F is a vegetarian. Because I know her from when she was still eating chicken, fish, eggs and other stuff, and she has managed to slowly change, and changing one's habits is really the hardest, and how you have to stand being the odd one out among others, and even though it may seem troublesome to find food to eat together with non-vegetarian friends sometimes, you have managed to do it very well. I think it's a great personal accomplishment and at the same time, a good thing to do.

6. I do not understand why but now that i am back from Toba, and looking through the photos and videos i took, i wished i had taken more videos. It's like i didn't realise it was really quite wonderful while i was there, and now looking back, I wished to be back there again, but i know we can't. You can go back again but it wouldn't be the same. And the only thing i have now are the photos/videos, and so i regret not taking more.

Ah, must take more videos/photos of new experiences and holidays and friends.


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