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11:06 p.m. - 2012-05-11
Things to be grateful for
I am grateful for

1. L waiting for me at Bishan mrt for 20 mins because I was late.

2. Ai Luan auntie's two sons who came to my house late on Thursday night to help measure our body age and told us the importance of drinking water and sleeping early at 11pm. (Ah still trying to sleep early. :P)

3. the torrents that people all over the world have been uploading, of interesting TV shows, comics and games. Yay to the Internets people.

4. M and P, for having lunch with me today. Usually hard to find lunch buddies to eat with, and i've to eat alone, which isn't so fun.

5. L, for sharing talks about having ambitions and dreams, spreading his enthusiasm about music and art to me.


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