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11:31 p.m. - 2012-05-16
the only way to become awesome is to keep on going!

I'm thankful today:

1. for the Lake Toba postmasters, post service all the way to Singapore's Postal Service, for helping to deliver my postcard from Toba to my Mom.

2. For facebook, it allow me to keep in touch with my friends and check out cool stuff they're reading.

3. Thankful to R and A yesterday for their company during lunch at Pizza Hut, and to R for giving me 2 slices of her pizza to eat. Ah i love pizza!

Other things happening in my life now...

1. Watching season 1 of House.

2. Reading online comics, winners of the Kodansha Manga Award.
(i hope i can keep this up... cos sometimes I'll go off and do other stuff)

3. Writing for work... It's getting more fun, since i started drinking tea, i think. And watching House. Tea is better than coffee at helping me stay awake during the afternoons. :)
And i guess writing and laughing at silly stuff i wrote, keeps me awake too.

That's about it. TTYL!


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