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10:55 p.m. - 2012-05-26
the gap between the merely successful and the ULTRA successful...
according to a professor who studied a group of students who went out to work in the world, he studied those who were successful and found out that there was a small tiny percentage that went really far out, a super successful group. Both financially and in terms of their influence and impact on society.

So this professor studied and compared this tiny group of X-men, (i've decided to call them X-men for clarity's sake), and he found that there were two distinct traits of this X-men group:

1. They believed in themselves. They were confident of achieving success in what they were doing. They weren't afraid to try because they believed they can succeed. Even if they failed, they still tried again, because they believed that they could succeed on the subsequent tries.

2. They kept asking questions. They are curious, they keep their curiosity alive by questioning. When they were new, they asked questions of their seniors. When they got to management level, they asked questions of their staff. Why must we do things this way? Why can't we try a more efficient or better method? What are we trying to achieve? What do we want to get out of this project? They ask questions and are interested to learn. They have a life-long learning attitude.

So it is important to remember this:

Believe that you can succeed. Aim for it and keep on trying.

Ask questions. Keep yourself learning new things.

These are the two ingredients for success.


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