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11:12 p.m. - 2012-06-28
of rice, mom, writing, working late, cheat your mind.
I'm alive!

Today i am thankful for my mother, she cooked dinner for me. But i worked late and came home late. But she kept the rice warm in the rice cooker for me. Thank you mom.

I never realized how weak and tired she seems nowadays. I think old age is catching up with her and I feel sad. I don't want to see my mom grow old and be plagued by old age ailments.

She deserves better in life. To rest and enjoy life. And to be happy. Thank you mom.

What else is happening� I be thankful for my colleagues, Marcus for bearing with my questions/skeptical inquiries, and for helping to shield me from much of the troublesome paperwork/stewardship of shows, and for reassuring and helping me to think of ideas when I express writer's block.

I'm learning at work, but mostly by doing and working late and trying to figure out what's wrong. i guess this is the way to learn, by making mistakes.

"Do not be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try." - saw it on fb.

Tired but every day will be a new day. jyjy.

oh yeah, sometimes you have to cheat your mind. if you're watching tv or some comedy, you won't feel sleepy/tired. But just see work and you'll zzz. So you must tell your mind to be alive. You are not as tired as you think.

I guess this is why sometimes at the editing suites (in the old company), some of us start behaving rather cheerful and high even when we work past 9pm to 11. We were unconsciously making the best of the situation. Be happy!


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