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23:16:55 - 2000-12-30
counterstrike and getting drunk
yesterday night was a blast,we went 7-11 after playing like

4hrs of counterstrike at the underground video arcade and then we went 7-11 like i said so earlier and bought some a few tiger beers and two dogs and wild turkeys and went behind the shopping mall and sat on the pavement watching the ktv hostess and other tranvestites and sultry slim girls in high heels walk to and fro,waiting for cars to pick them up,waiting for anything to get away.

ah-lan said "this place very stressed..."

very power.


and then we mixed a bottle of wild turkey with my unfinished

beer and birdy tossed coin to see who would drink it.

and then birdy got too high and went around talking and singing and listing all his academic and physical achievements and then i puked here and there ,all the unsettled beer and food i ate at macdonalds earlier.

then we continued walking around towards parklane to play more counterstrike and me and ah-lan walked behind birdy and keet cos they were acting crazy and swaggering about town like spastic dogs on a catwalk;we gestured behind their backs like they were so distasteful and unbecoming of adults aged 20 and we were such princes.

birdy got us to sing army songs in loud voices and keet fanned his insanity further by playing along and i started acting cute ;singing in childish maudlin taints.

and then when we passed two suspiciously-like lesbians,birdy shouted to keet in a loud voice,"well...if we are lesbians....we can't help ourselves....right?!"

my political correctness choked.

then we finally reached this game shop called "flying cow" at bencoolen street but it was closed cos this is like 2am in the morning?!

birdy exclaimed"argh!"

and ah-lan in a brilliant flash of humour,"what?!become flying fox already."

i was the only one who understood it.

and keet in his traditional brand of humour ,"huh?cows can fly?",stating the obvious.

in the end,we played counterstrike at parklane and then took a taxi home.i reached home at 3.45am and went to sleep.


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