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22:42:20 - 2000-12-31
Dead GlAmourouS
"suicide is one of the few things that real life does better

than the movies."----carole morin in DEad GlamourOus.

Dead glamourous was the book i read two years ago and it was full of suicidal thoughts and classy artyness;i was nearly induced to commit it myself.BUt i didn't.i guess almost everyone of us has comtemplated suicide before cept that we never actually do putting your head into the gas stove or drowning yourself or cutting your wrists vein-wise...

one of the interesting part of the story was when the author and her brother were young;her brother was kind of weird and goofy and he used to do crazy things and so on and talk weird and like they would both discuss about suicide because of the films they saw off the television of cool people like james dean and characters jumping into the void and so on...

then when they both grew up,one day,her brother actually commited suicide and succeeded=death.

and the author was angry and sad....because her brother had upped killing himself and actually having the guts to do it.....which was what separated him from her and the many cowardy folks who thought and talked about it but never actually did it ;because success meant death.

in his suicide note he left her ,he wrote,

"sipping Stolinchnaya and thinking of you in Heaven."


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