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09:02:29 - 2001-01-02
this is a film script written by me and my friend Spurs.(his favourite football team is Tottenham Hotspurs.)

~~~~~essentials of a good local film.....

1.ostentiou,crude hokkien dialogue

2.Jack Neo

3.plot touching on the mundane going ons in the lives of the heartlanders

eg.-economic crisis

-felicity in discovering that Macdonalds is giving away handphones for Happy meal purchases

-ah-sohs deliberate mentioning of how well their ah-boy is doing in school

-nerds going on irc outings hoping to meet 'cheo bus'.

4.ABSENCE of thought -provoking and timely spouting of shakespeare.~to be or not to be~ of chen kaige,eric khoo and zhang yimou with irreverent shots of scenery with very evident symbolism(eg.glimpses of the concrete jungle through the eyes of the camera showing the irony of the pigeon-holes we call home.) people think this is very arty farty.

~~~~~~essentials of a local flop........

1.get a caucasian actor with a neither american or british accent thus sounding like the five-cent accents convent girls try to fake.

2.victor khoo

3.themes which are not in-your-face kind of obvious and the scenes take on a symbolism of their own(singaporeans are dumb and they pay $7 not to think.)


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