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09:04:52 - 2001-01-02


The characters can be seen as childlike and simple in a silent way,similar to the style of autistic actors like charlie chaplin and maybe mr.bean ,but without the purposefully comedic manner.Instead ,it is the ordinariness (or ordinary absurdity) of the way they carry on with their lives with such weird habits,that should make the film interesting.

One of the most important elements is the HDB walls,flats,flourescent lights,sparse decorations,void decks.To bring out the whole chungkin effect.

Should include toy guns,preferably those loadable six-shot killers or whatever.chasing the neighbourhood cats.feeding them at night.include scenes of millions of bubbles flying through the sunny blue sky with panoramic effect.Or make it a love story.

~~~mask boy.

_ wears a toy mask all the time.

_ include shots of him buying chicken rice or noodles.

_ (can use the shock approach:back view of his head talking to the chicken rice seller and then as he finally collects his change and packet of rice and then turns around to face the camera, the mask! )

_ sleeping wearing the mask

_ riding on bus (panning shot on passing scenery slowly to reveal him wearing a ultra-man mask and looking out the window,possibly he's wearing school uniform and going to school;with other passengers standing stoically holding onto the handrails.)

_ passing a porno vcd roadside stall and then stopping in his tracks dramatically.


_walks around holding a hard-cover book upright,pretending to read it as he walks but actually just holding it,his eyes peering over cautiously like a child,and then darting a spy.

_include switchovers where he's holding a newspaper with a big hole cut out in the centre.

_he talks to friends with the book held up and open like a metaphorical barrier,occassionally peppering his speech with random quotations taken from the book.

_watches television the same way.

_at the library browsing books ,finally choosing a book he likes;the same way people choose clothes,by holding the book up in front of a mirror and covering the lower half of his face.posing.Make all these seem natural.Finally,he walks out of the library doors,his eyes dancingly delighted.a new book.


1-----K has been playing with his action man figures for many day,out of a sudden,K is shocked by the discovery that his imaginery friends had fallen into s deep coma.(caused by doctor Spock).A funeral party results;with a garden burial,toilet flushing,cremation etc...

2-----K wakes up,washes his face,have breakfast,all in a very pristine proper manner and then receives the Straits Times at his door and then maniacally tearing it up,saving only the top right-hand corner of the front page.He evidently uses the newspaper as a calendar.

3-----Then on New Year's day,there is no Strait Times (as we all know). K invites his friends

4----on a mad rampage,vandalising public toilet cubicles.

5-----J adopts a stone at a stone-adoption centre.(puts rock in refrigerator)

At the ending scene,he throws the rock into a forest.(or the sea).

6----Since the camera filming is not going to be of cinematic quality,just make it a lousy documentary of their life in a single day.Taking the mrt train to parklane arcade to play arcade.Walk around for a while.Go home.Dinner.Watch channel 8 with family.Sleep.

7----Drinking,going drunk,swearing at the camera "fuck off."

8----Adventures of the SBS fare-evader.can include normal dialogue and quarrelling on the long busride.

ETc eTC eTc Etc EtC....................................................


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