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01:03:48 - 2001-01-04


-Our protagonist withering away his time at an arcade machine and the film opens with the scenes from the arcade game and a pun on Marx's quote:" Arcade is the opium of the masses."

(voice-over) Arcade is the opium of the masses!

K: Nah bu eh chao chee bye! Fifty cents gone like dat,play this game makes me damm du lan.

Exit K.

ACT 1 SCENE 2 (20 SEC)


-Fleeting glimpses of K walking out from parklane quickly superimposed by glimpses of him in school,him gelling his hair,breaking up with his girlfriend,etc,ending this flurry of split-second shots(representing his thoughts and the recent events in his life) ending suddenly with a close up shot of his blood-shot eyes and panning down and away slowly revealing his stylish outfit.(in the style of john travolta).


( centre of disco hall )


-The silent aspect of the film (save for the dialogue in Act 1 ,scene 1 ) is rudely broken by the loud scream of boyband-hungry girls and the cheesy grooves of the disco " i will survive " and we see our hero, K, manouvering from the entrance to the disco floor.

-The crowd ( extras we've hired ) steps aside respectfully for our hero to sashay and yet gyrating to the groove.

K:It's time to P...A.....R......T........Y ( emphasis on Y to make it sound like WHy? )

K: Cos' it's a saturday night! ( Crowd goes crazy and song switches to YMCA and K does a spastic fit )


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