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21:28:08 - 2001-01-27
a courage most commendable though no one gives a hoot!


A courage most commendable

though no one gives a hoot.

_____Back to the clapping on gradution day.well,everyone is supposed to clap,in fact,it's an unannounced law in our society.then as the mass sing-along session came,kafka and fyodor (the reactionaries) don't want to stand which the whole school was doing,singing a song about friendship;but at the last minute as the em-cee scrutinised the whole student population to see if they are ready,kafka the Coward stood up and the whole school began singing that "friendship song".kafka amused at the sight of fyodor sitting down in the front row stubbornly not standing up,like the rest were doing,held his stomach and laughed his unfunny laugh and then as they lapsed into the chorus,he wondered why he even stood up when he was not singing and feeling cowardy and almost angry that fyodor could be brave enough to be sitting down;he thought that he had forsaken his friend.He sat down abruptly with a "well..what the fuck." and said to fyodor,"hey,did you feel forsaken?" like jesus

_____fyodor the courageous said,"uh no."

_____then as the whole song finished and everyone sat down again,a teacher who has obviously witnessed the two weird geeks in the front rows,strode up towards the this moment,fyodor said,"uh i think she's going to say something about us...."

_____"yeah....but (kafka chuckles his unfunny chuckle) i got an excuse and that uses you.i'll say 'oh!the song is about friendship and my friend is sitting down by himself,i can't abandon him.and that's why i wasn't standing up."

____fyodor said,"i'll just say i feel unnatural if i stood up."

____And then as the teacher didn't do nothing,fyodor said,"i was just thinking what i should say if they ever put me up on stage and question me why i didnt stand up just now."

____kafka said,"okay,i'll enact the situation now.assuming you are up on the stage now and everyone's staring at you and i ask:why didn't you clap during the awards ceremony? even if you are not told to clap,you can still clap right?


___"you want a honest answer?"


___"because if i clap,that will mean that i feel happy for them,which i do not .i don't feel jealous or angry or sad or anything." then he continued,"i realised something..."


"it's maybe quite sad or what,but at this stage,i realised i do not share their happiness..."

"your childlike spontaneous lose."

"yes..but it's still okay..."

___And then they talked about hitler,matyrs and self-matyr-ship,the spittoon

for society.


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