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981368006 - 2001-02-05
things on my mother's mind
things on my mother's mind

1.she worries about my father's pain in his legs.

2.she worries whenever my brother rides his motorcycle and comes home late.

3.she worries about making ends meet and her goal to go to some part of china this september.

4.when my father's pain act up and he groans and squats in a fetal position on the floor waiting for the pain to subside which is usually

like 20 minutes.she couldn't bear to see it and she escapes by going to sleep.

5.she minds that i go out with my friends every weekend and come home late and my money is broke just like that.

6.she thinks that the tv in my brother's room was spoilt because me and my brother keep pulling out and inserting different cords

and cables into it because of the sony playstation and the aiwa vcd player.

7.she feels angry that we've damaged the tv and now she can't check the toto and 4-D results.

8.the 4-D results never struck gold for her and she is still waiting for that wind to blow her way to her trip to china.(which is a huge land mass and i don't know her destination,maybe it's hainan island.)

9.i don't know what tv programmes she watch because she sleeps early ;because she has to wake up early to go work in macdonalds and when she comes home,she has to cook and do housework and she gets tired because she is not a robot; and so she sleeps early and didn't watch any tv.

10.she plays mahjong with the relatives almost every saturday after her morning shift at mac's and she worries about dinner for my father.who would provide for him?


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