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01:55:26 - 2001-03-18
a watched pot never boils
like waiting to die...


"jenny?you're back already?"

"yes mum."she said as she closed the door.

jenny's mother came out from the kitchen and looked concernedly at her.

"why are you back so late?did you go out with that boy again?"

"no mum,"jenny replied tiredly,"i went on a visit to the old folks home....a school visit."

she took off her shoes and goes into the kitchen for a drink.her mother followed her and stared silently at her.

"there's nothing,mum,i want to be alone,okay?"jenny said and went into her room and closed the door.

"next time don't come home so late,we're worried for you."her mother said outside the door.

"yes! leave me alone!"jenny shouted as she opened a drawer and took out a piece of paper and jumped into bed.she stared at the shadow outside the door untill it went away and breathed out a sigh.

she wrote:

at the old folks home

visiting the old people

trying to talk to them to cheer them up...

she turns around and lies still in the half-darkness looking up at the ceiling.

"what do you do around here?"

" tv...then eat...but most of the time,i think..."

"about the past?"

"yes",she smiled."at night,i sleep around 1am."

"wah,why so late?"

"thinking about the past..."


"anyway,there's not much to do here...eighty-something waiting to die..."


jenny turned away from the ceiling and got out of bed and went to the window.she stared through the hazy surroundings at the street lamps far away in the distance.

" a watched pot never boils." she whispered and laughed silently.

"jenny? jenny!" her mother's voice rang from the kitchen, "dinner's ready!come and eat!"

"okay,okay! later when i'm hungry!" she shouted loudly.

her mother's voice muttered from the kitchen," hai you to eat also like that..."

jenny stared at the lights for a while longer and then turned away from the window sadly and sang "bigo-bigo" chirpily as she opened the door and shielding her squinting eyes from the glaring livingroom lights,she went into the kitchen.


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