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9:13 a.m. - 2001-09-19
reader's guide to the three stories.
reader's guide to the three stories.

Much has been debated upon the literary merit of the controversial three stories written by Pagietoe while under the first attack of the demons in the depths of the night hiding under the blanket.

Much has been said and written and this is just another reader's guide to the three stories written to explain the intricate web spun throughout the three stories.It would be interesting to note that all three stories were written in one go in one night.Hence they would most probably be interrelated.

now for the dissection proper....

"The short story"

The short story was the first of the three stories and it started with the narrator droning about the number of years past in his life...then suddenly in comes this door-keeper who shouts that the demons are coming.-a premonition of the madness which will soon strike Pagietoe as he slips into adulthood.

The theme of the door-keeper is also telling because traditionally,doorkeepers have been the ones guarding the entrance of which people past through and door-keepers hold that power to stop things from passing through....yet in the short story,the door-keeper has seen countless passers-by and he has grown sick and tired.a metaphoric term of the people called friends in our lives.

The whole point is pointless.

Dostoevsky's friend once said this.we can imagine him walking around with his head hung low staring at the ground and saying to people,"no point."

fxxk the demons.

Pagietoe has certainly reached a new height of cursing his muses.yet the sentence stinks of rebellion and of nihilism and of everything supposedly right and supposedly supposed to come.the demons are sure to's what does he do?fxxk the inevitable.

that's not much one can do in the face of death or the inevitable except to can run but you can't last line of resistance.

conversations at the rooftop.

conversations at the rooftop is as telling as its title.two friends on the going to jump the other standing there,will he join he,stop him ?

then one lapses into an internal monologue and speaks to himself.

and when his friend asks him,he is still the brink of death,one can still lie to himself and his friends.that's the gist.

hold my horses or a whole lot of fucking.

is a poem.

that's why it runs like a horse and then you got to ride it in a rodeo and after taming it,you pass the reins to the small kid and says,"hold my horses."

and the kid grabs the reins and the horse goes wild and tramples him to death,neigh neigh neigh.....

a broken carnival of clowns word playing with the audience.


and this is the end.


interpret at your own risk.


about the author: Pagietoe was a columnist two years ago in the now defunct zine Morningside Speed which was formed to honour the jap girl group Speed and the street drug passed between oily hands.pagietoe has entered numerous competitions like the nobel literature prize but he lost.pagietoe is a kindergarden teacher now and he has a happy family with four wives and a cat named mouse spelled backwards.

the end.

published by orchardroad.who is pagietoe's manager. all queries pls go to orchardroad near takashimaya and the heeren.


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