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9:47 p.m. - 2001-09-21
short and meaningless to your lives cos this is all mine!
all is rough on the front

thoughts for today:

i am still glad that diaryland is still alive.

what is rough in the front?

things are rough.

something's happened in shawn's home.

cheer up,shawn.don't try and act ominous like me,okay!

something's happened to spurs' career path.

paths are trodden out by people,spurs.

something's happened to me.

the usual.

"i'll just have the usual,bartender."


it's amazing.

the use of positive words will illicit positive feelings.

are you there,god? it's me.

don't let the pathetic die bitterly.

and let the cheerful live longer.

best of both worlds isn't it,shawn?

do what you like,spurs.

and don't be afraid.

meaningless to my life?



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