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8:34 a.m. - 2002-01-15
last dance
Last Dance

Saturday night, standing in the street corner, I espy a girl walking by, her head held high, going to town in her Sunday best, with her boyfriend whom I know; used to go to the same primary school as me; used to talk to him before but now I imagine he�d ignore me since he stands much taller than me. I pull a joke and the rest of them laughed their hyheena cries, braying their heads off and I smile fakely and stick my hands in my pockets and looked around coolly, hoping she�s noticed me. but she walks on unperturbed, the traffic vehicles going down the road ruthlessly. I pushed away from the circle and ran forward and grabbed her swinging left hand, she turned around, frightened and pulled away, staring at me. � may I ?�


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